Common Curtain Stains and How to Remove Them

Curtains occupy a place of pride in your home décor and add to the glamour quotient of your ambiance. They uplift the charm with their color, texture, brightness, and feel. Apart from being beautiful window dressing, they keep you in a cozy shade away from sunlight. Unfortunately, the flip side is that they are string dirt and dust attractors and become dirty soon. They also get spotted and stained from misuse, mishandling, or accidental spills that bring down their look and colors too. By regularly calling Curtain Cleaning Sydney specialists such things can be avoided.

No matter how careful we are, spills and marks happen Sometimes or other and you then have to rush and call in experts like curtain Cleaners Sydney Services. But stains also spread quickly and it’s then better they are managed by you as soon as they start spreading. Here are a few handy tips on how to handle different curtain stains. For deep-seated ones of course hire Professional curtain-cleaning Sydney experts to revive the spotless look.

Common Curtain Stains and How to Remove Them

Dealing with stains

Get to the stains before they set in. You might not have time to call the Professional curtain cleaning Sydney specialists. Your quick action might prevent bigger damage as stains build a chemical bond with fabric and then they are tough to move. Also, pressure and heat cause stains to settle faster making it difficult to move. Be gentle when cleaning and use stronger methods or hands to rub curtains only after stains are removed. By and large, you can use water and detergent to remove stains. A few others require more effort like-

Sticky tape or gum: Rub ice cubes on the affected area for ten to fifteen minutes. It should come off by scraping them. Followed by a gentle machine or hand wash with good quality detergent.

Oil: Oily hands and food leave greasy marks on curtains. Pre-treat them using any dishwashing solution. Dampen a sponge in hot water and blot on a greasy patch. Launder in slightly hot water with a powder laundry detergent, Dry.

Alcohol: Any mark left by an alcoholic drink may be treated with a sponge dipped in a mix of distilled white vinegar diluted in water.

Chocolate: If chocolate is wet, allow it to solidify and then scrape off with a blunt knife and blot out the stain using warm water and detergent.

Yellow stains: This is caused by smoking. The curtains can get back brightness by soaking the stained patches overnight in a blend of half a cup of borax, hot water 1 cup of baking soda, and half a cup of salt. Wash off in the morning with laundry detergent.

Blood: Blot out the with cold water the blood marks. You may apply carpet cleaner or a tiny amount of glycerin. Allow to stand for thirty minutes and blot out with water.

Vomit: Wipe or scrape out residue. Sponge the marked area with a blend of laundry borax and water. Do a cold water rinse and use carpet cleaner on the remaining stains.

Urine: If your pet has done his business, blot out the liquid and then apply a blend of vinegar, dishwashing solution, and eucalyptus oil with a sponge and let it stand for half an hour. Blot with a white clean damp towel.

Understanding the nature of the fabric

Firstly it is important to understand the fabric type before stain removal. The treatment would vary for each type and the same method cannot be applied after spot removal. Experts of Curtain Cleaners Sydney services inspect the fabric before any treatment starts. Here below are the usual fabric types which will clear some of your doubts.

Cotton or natural type: These curtains are the most common type and safest type. They are usually sturdy and can easily be machine-washed or hand-washed at home using cold water and mild detergent. Using the gentle cycle of machine washing as often suggested by Curtain Cleaning Sydney experts.

Beaded or shell curtains: Acrylic shell or beaded curtains look stylish but should be hand washed as putting them in the machine would spoil them.

Silk Curtains and Velvet curtains: Being expensive it is best that they are taken to professional dry cleaners for wash.

Sheers like lace: They need to be hand washed or taken to curtain Cleaners Sydney specialists as they have delicate fabric.

Water stains: Read the label. Place the curtains in a mixture of cold water and any good commercial detergent. Let it sit for an hour. For white curtains, you can place curtains in bleach and water solution and leave for half an hour. After soaking hand wash or gentle machine wash in cold water. The trick to preventing water marks from settling in is to see that windows don’t have any condensation source as that leads to marks over time.